We increase organic traffic to your website, month after month.

Most agencies are a black box.
- You sign on, then…
- Rarely hear from them, and…
- Have no idea of what’s actually going on
We’re trying to end all that. We give you a crystal clear picture of what we’re up to. Top to bottom, task by task, day by day break downs of what’s been done, what’s being worked on, and what’s to come.
To exemplify this, we decided to lay out our entire marketing process and work process, here to you live and in public…
We dive in with a ton of research to get a deep understanding of where your marketing currently stands on the battlefield

The first week of working together with you is a busy one here for us here at the office. We call this a ‘Beachcomber week’ because we always have a pot of our favourite coffee on the go.
Without it, we’d be doomed.
To give you an idea of what’s going on in the first week, we cast a large and wide net to get a deep technical understanding of your business.
One of the big hurdles we face when bringing you on as a client is… You’ve got a ton of knowledge about your business that’s soooo obvious to you, but not-so obvious to a new team taking your project under their wing.
To solve this, we get you to fill out a questionnaire that helps us paint a picture of who you are (as a business), the health of your business, and where you want to go.
Everything we do for you is either backed by hard data, or educated guesses based on what the data is saying

There’s nothing sexy about analytics, but when making business decisions online, you need to take advantage of the minutely detailed and extremely granular understanding that analytics software provide.
We cross-reference a ton of data sources including industry standard services:
Together, the various datasets from each give us tremendous insight into the current state of affairs of your website’s health & sanity.
At this stage we’re looking into new content campaigns for you and doing industry analysis to determine what’s working, what’s not, and who’s out there in your industry creating a buzz for themselves.
The next steps will involve modifying your website, and publishing new blog content, so before we do any of that we like to go through and clarify any details.
We’ll look to get you on the phone to let you know where things are at, and discuss some of the ideas we have for your business. This call is quick and high level, to ensure you like where everything is headed moving forward.
After this, your website should be running like a well-oiled machine. We’re fixing technical errors and ironing out any human or search engine issues.

At this point we’ll have prepared this giant list of technical glitches to fix on your website from weeks of rummaging through spreadsheet data for the last week.
We’ve got a clear idea of your websites health, and we’re tying up loose ends, fixing quirks and errors, blowing the dust off of forgotten images and pages, pulling weeds, filling empty flower beds, and tidying up the shed. This is annual maintenance stuff.
At this point, if you check-in on progress* you’ll see us:
- Eliminating fluff content from your sitemap. Ideally we’re getting rid of content here but if not, we’ll set it up so search engines ignore those pages which increases your sites “stock”.
- Uncovering technical errors and fixing them immediately. We leave no stone unturned and make sure your site’s a well-oiled machine.
- Strengthening pages with weak or duplicate content. If you want search engines to pay attention to your website, you’re going to need to beef up some of your content, so this often means rewriting bits and pieces.
- Doing on-site improvements to fine-tune the way content is accessed by humans, cell phones, social networks, and search engines.
- Uncovering easy tweaks to instantly rank in search engines, new keywords to rank for, and what topics your content isn’t already covering properly. The best method to plotting a path forward is keyword research, where we uncover keywords that people are already searching and ranking for. This is a gruelling SEO process that is constantly needing done, again and again.
Whether you want us to send you a spreadsheet of changes or get the work done for you, we’re happy to accomodate you and we believe this is what marketing management should feel like!
* We provide a tool for you to watch executing on your campaign, as it happens, task by task.
Continue building your empire by adding smart content, making yourself irresistible to bloggers and customers at every step of the marketing funnel

Don’t let the fact your website was carrying around a bit of extra weight scare you… everyone gets out of shape from time to time.
After a quick bootcamp, our drill sergeants have you all caught up – modern standards and best practices, loading snappy – and can shift focus to creating new content that draws new visitors, new customers, ranking for more keywords, and getting more back links (the backbone of any successful SEO campaign).
“We stand on the shoulders of giants!”
Hmm… Okay… but what exactly does that mean?
We work smart by looking at what’s already working in various other content verticals, and identifying content and search engine keyword opportunities at each stage of the content marketing funnel. (Clients say when working with us, everything becomes a funnel!)
At this stage we’ll also be creating new content to fill in the newly discovered keyword and content gaps.
The next stage is where we kick things into high gear; behind the scenes we’ve been pulling levers, pushing buttons, launching rockets and there are steam whistles blowing violently in the back of the office while we get your web presence up to speed, we turn our artillery out into the World Wide Web.
By the way… Throughout the relationship, wherever mockups, designs, assets, or imagery are needed, we’re happy to look after them and get those licensed assets delivered to you.
To boldly go where no link’s been before: We’re running into the line of fire with guns blazing to get people talking about you and get visitors to your site.

With researched spreadsheets in hand (and pocket protectors in lab coat), we’re able to take what’s already working in the industry and build a laser-focused content marketing campaign aimed at building links from websites blogs back to your best content.
At long last… you’re ready. It’s time to crack a champagne bottle over the bow of this ship and set everything in motion.
We truly believe no one goes deeper into finding white hat backlinks. We have twenty-plus different angles to approach bloggers in an effort to grow your brand, get in front of new eyeballs, and pick up backlinks.
We’re looking at blog opportunities (both comments and posts), broken links, conferences, forums and guest post opportunities, infographics, sponsored posts, and a heck of a lot more. For some of these tactics it relies on you having content. If you don’t already have a blog post that covers that topic, we’ll get it written then get people to link back to you. In other cases it’s about focusing on their content and seeing where we fit in.
They say we work magic. If there is any ‘magic’ to what we do here, it comes from the various custom, one-of-a-kind, spreadsheets we’ve built to make our jobs easier. Simple software solutions make our process hundreds of times more efficient. The power of software lies in letting humans do what humans are great at, and letting computers to do what computers are great at.
For each of the angles we approach blogs and websites for back links, we have built an enormous array of methods to finding opportunities, and from a boat load of sources. These twenty or so simple ideas for getting backlinks multiple out to giving us 340,506,289,200,000,000,000,000,000 different ways to find backlink opportunities for you.
(Editor’s note: yes, that’s a real number)
Once we wrangle together a spreadsheet of potential backlink opportunities, we email the authors, blog owners, businessmen and women, and reach out to each and every one of them (one by one) to strike a deal and get them linking back to your best content. The process isn’t insanely high-tech but it takes a lot of human hours and we spend the majority of the campaign doing email outreach on your behalf.
All in all, we’re looking to pick up a handful of real links, that won’t expire, from real blogs, that won’t disappear.
You now have the blueprint to growing your business each and every month with online marketing and search engine optimization

So there you have it… you have the blueprint.
If you wanted to turn around and do the work, based off the content on this page, you very well could do it yourself and cut me right out of the equation. In fact, you could take this page and start your own SEO business, and work your ass into a million dollars in revenue starting today, if you wanted to.
Honestly, I’d applaud you!
The truth is, it’s nothing without execution, and consistent execution at that. When the dust settles, this page acts as a testament to the work we do.
There’s no secret sauce.
A lot of our clients would classify search engine optimization as “it’s a wozzy, it’s a woozy… it’s magic fairy dust”. In reality, it’s a handful of spreadsheets, a bunch of hard work, literal blood sweat and tears (you’d be surprised), a bunch of industry knowledge & shortcuts, and a little bit of luck. At every step of the way, we want you to know and see the work we put in to make it happen, even if you don’t understand it, or care to.
We work out butts off for our amazing clients because real business is built when people believe in one another, and can put trust in one another to do the damn work. That’s us.
Want to be our next amazing client?
Great – We’d love to have you along for the ride!
To get started, we’d first set up a consultation call to hear from you about what you’re looking for support on, and learn more about your business.